支持 all HD formats over HD-SDI, along with SD and 2K content.
motion的时间线里对播放的功能提供了三种时间线的播放模式,don’t update,jump by pages and Scroll continuously.当然editor希望final cut pro x添加不断滚动Scroll continuously时间线这种功能。
- XML1.1支持DaVinciResolve可以读取FinalCutProX color, 大小, 不透明度和合成模式的这些设置
- 支持CanonC300
- 支持SonyF65Raw
- SonySStP编码
- GoProcameraMP4file解码
- 支持TangentElementpanels调色台面板
- 增加了稳定性和性能
用于支持redone在final cut pro 7编辑的插件,当然支持Apple Color!
RED QuickTime Codec (v5.0.0) and Log and Transfer plug-in for FCP (v30.4.0) 输入 REDCODE RAW clips as either native REDCODE media (R3D’s) wrapped in QuickTime or the option to transcode them directly to Apple’s ProRes codec.
对于color的校色新添加了一个特殊功能在color使用raw原始参数支持native QuickTime wrapped R3D media (REDCODE plugin for Color v4.5).
redcine-x 11版本虽然是支持fcpx xml语言了,但在测试中,还是无法直接进行工程项目和素材的读取!
1.最初转码我们选择REDCINE-X PRO进行转码,尽量避开非线软件NLE内建的转码工具。而且recine-x pro转码速度快。
2.在off line初剪时,我们最好把一部影片分为多个reels,每个时间在20分钟左右。
4.我们的初级校色最好选用redcine-x pro,老外提到(优势在于直接接收raw文件without the abstraction layer of an SDK.)
5.输入每个reel的xml语言,设置set color space to RedColor2. (You may temporarily set gamma space to RedGamma2 and increase saturation to better see the affect of your adjustments.)。当然如果你要做更多的调色效果,你可以进入Apple Color里进行更多效果的制作
6.在输出时候,让饱和度成为正常,set color/gamma space to RedColor2/RedLogFilm and the de-Bayer quality to full resolution. Export (render) the timeline using Apple ProRes 4444 at either a 2K or 1920×1080 size.
我们还记得在fcp7使用twixtor时,制作效果超棒的变速工具,现在支持final cut pro x!
ClipExporter 输出 FCPXML file, adds the option of handles and then makes folders with reference movies and data for Nuke or SynthEyes.
- Exports Quicktime reference movies.
- Exports Nuke files. All in-/out-frames and timeline positions match your exported Final Cut Pro X project.
- Export for Syntheyes. A custom (.synInfo) file format is created for import in Syntheyes. Therefore an importer sizzle-script is required, which can be downloaded here.
- Adds handle frames (optionally). Extends each clip length by a given number of frames.
- Creates shot based folders with naming conventions.
- Creates subfolders (optionally).
- Saves disc space by refering to the original source media. No files are copied.
Known issues
- Retimed clips are not supported.
- Effects, translations, animations and every other Final Cut Pro X related modification on a clip will be discarded.
- Video-clips with unsupported or odd fps (frames per second) values could cause inaccurate timming results. We encountered such problems while using unconverted iPhone videos that were shot with the built-in camera app.
- Nuke export only: using compound, multicam or audition clips and not having the clips on the primary storyline will result in odd Nuke timeline positions. This does not affect the in- / out-points and durations.
System Requirements
You need at least Final Cut Pro X v10.0.1 and a Mac running OS X 10.6.8 or above.
final cut pro x transition的制作过程可以通过,给A添加image mask和复制器里的transitional进行制作!