大会上说了几点重要内容和更新!慢慢大家会理解final cut pro x的!
一.Final Cut Pro X 10.0.1更新内容
1.最重要的是增加了xml的功能。Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve, Square Box System’s CatDV, and many other third-party applications will offer XML-based workflows with Final Cut Pro X.
4.在connetcted clip上添加转场
7.支持Camera Import SDK
Apple also issued an update for Compressor on Tuesday, addressing the following:
- Updates the bitrates in Cellular settings for HTTP Live Streaming.
- Fixes an issue with accessing QuickTime Export Component settings in Final Cut Pro X.
- Fixes an issue in which This Computer cluster does not appear when system is configured in Chinese.
- Resolves stability issues when launching Soundtrack Pro after Compressor 4 is installed.
转载 国外的Shane Ross,Los Angeles, California,Broadcast Television editor, husband, father of three.
Shane测试了AVID exporting as DNxHD,我们使用Compressor转化成prores 422hq编码时候,发现视频有些增益变量。后面有人对其视频增亮问题进行了支持,提到这时候我们可以在compressor修改“视频压缩设置”,关闭Automatic Gamma Correction.
如果想要了解Doremi产品的信息可以登录:http://www.doremilabs.com/products/cinema-products/ 进行了解!
这篇文章转自By Walter Biscardi
文章中提到:在Premiere Pro中剪辑完隔行的片子后,输出的时候,发到Color调色输出后,发现变成了逐行。这是因为在PPRO中输出的时候,虽然你选择了prores的编码,但codec setting你却未勾选“隔行”的选项造成的。
REDCINE-X Professional Build 3 Beta
- Ejecting drives from the Finder will now automatically eject them in REDcine-X Pro also.
- External surface input devices are disabled by default. Enable in Preferences->Devices.
- Added option to choose the clip resolution as an output res in the export preset dialog.
- Ale absolute timecode columns have been corrected to always be absolute timecode.
- Added a slider in preferences to control the memory usage of the playback cache.
- Changed behavior: starting an export no longer jumps you to the export tab.
- Sequences can now be renamed from the sequence tab context menus.
- Added the ability to shift selected timeline clips by [ and ] shortcut keys.
- Starting an export no longer automatically switches to the Export tab.
- Added “Show RMD in Folder” to the bin and browser context menus.
- Added basic external audio metadata display to the audio control.
- Added option-click scrubbing of thumbnails in the Project tab.
- Still snapshots can now be taken while the Viewer is playing.
- Snapshots with crop enabled now use the crop width/height.
- Added a search box to the bin sort by dialog.
- Added an export job count to the Export tab.
- Added timeline tools to the Timeline menu.
- Added support for MC Color input devices.
- Added a zoom tool to the Timeline.
- Fixed an out of memory issue.
- Fixed a bug with undoing ripple delete.
- Fixed issues with EDL and ALE imports.
- Fixed issue with export jobs not pausing correctly.
- Fixed crash with out of range video slider on windows.
- Fixed Windows crash issue with scopes initially hidden.
- Fixed a bug with deleting clips in multiple tracks at once.
- Fixed a hang when ejecting while the Metadata panel is open.
- Fixed a crash on Windows when exporting to Quicktime or Avid.
- Fixed crashes when ejecting a drive while export jobs are running.
- Fixed issue where auto-saving of projects would reset the undo stack.
- Fixed crashes with overlaying/deleting multiple clips from the Timeline.
- Fixed issue with tape name not being set correctly for Avid MXF exports.
- Fixed issue with separate eye metadata being incorrect on ALE only exports.
- Fixed a bug where pasting a grade would improperly link clip looks together.
- Fixed bug where the Viewer scrubber wouldn’t get updated while playing over gaps.
- Fixed issue where scopes were not updating correctly when image in viewer was flipped/rotated.
- Fixed issue with audio where empty gaps on a timeline were not correctly represented with silence.
- Fixed bug where the right panel would not show up on startup if it was collapsed on last app shutdown.
- Fixed bug where the in/out buttons would stay disabled after viewing a still then going back to the full clip.
- Fixed issue where framing, color correction, and timecode metadata where not being updated on playback.
- Fixed cases where importing a single track from a FCPXML could cause an empty second track to be imported.
- REDCINE-X Professional Build 2 Beta
- Default Clip Audio channels are now set to Camera Audio 1 and 2.
- Viewer fixes for when frames did not update as expected.
- Viewer Zoom changed to be relative to the pixel instead of relative to the viewer size. 100% is now equivalent to 1:1 image pixel to display pixel.
- Re-ordered REDline metadata output to match the previous REDline builds.
- Crash fixed when moving clips from one bin to another.
- Random Crash bug on Viewer mode change resolved.
- Updated RCX Logo artwork for wWindows Installer.
- Scopes are now positioned below the Histogram when Viewer is on the second monitor.
- Transport buttons now light up while playing.
- Added bin Rating shortcuts (0-5) keys.
- Fixed a problem where thumbnails did not update.
- The project tree is now expanded by default.
- Fix for Rocket export speed.
- REDCINE-X Professional Build 1 Beta
- Initial Public Preview
This short film of a 3-D rendered hand made by Ed Cattmull (Pixar founder) and Fred Parke in 1972 might be the first digital 3-D rendered film ever.
1.在”Conform”标签页下,输出的功能增添了“aaf files(*.aaf)”格式,允许有中间色叠色,划像,多边形的过渡。合成模式,和变形参数。
2.xml语言的功能,增添了支持final cut pro中旋转,位置,缩放的参数功能。
4.新的davinci ACES颜色标准
6.增加了DVCPRO HD的像素变形比率
- Apple Color
- Assimilate SCRATCH
- Colorfront On Set Dailies
- Marquise OCEAN, RAIN & MIST
- Pixel Farm PF Clean
- SGO Mistika
- Yoyotta Yoyo
更详细,请参阅 http://www.tangentdevices.co.uk/products_element.asp
REDCINE-X PRO的发布,同时Foundtry Strom停止更新,直到2012年10月。但仍可以进行购买。
And here are the new features in the PRO version:
- New Professional RCX with collapsible single window unified user interface
- Post effects Film Look, Unsharp Mask, etc (some features will be enabled soon)
- Stills workflow support – Grade and export virtual stills associated with your clips.
- Markers – Mark specific frames for easy retrieval and selective stills exporting.
- Dynamic Look control panel allowing you to customize your workspace.
- Greatly enhanced playback engine with full 3D framing support
- Metadata viewer pane (per frame metadata coming soon)
- HDRx + Stereo 3D Viewing at the same time.
- Full screen playback on second screen
- Full Screen Mode ( control – shift – F )
- Automatically downloaded updates
- Customizable control UI panes
- Double-wide control UI pane
- New post effects module
- Hierarchical bin folders
- Multi track Timelines
- New scaling engine
- Quick Help (H key)
- Stills rating system
- Export Rotation
第一次见到PHNTM拍摄的素材慢放,如此强悍,真的很棒,分辨率和压缩编码压缩成apple prores还如此清晰!