
[教程]final cut pro x 和 motion 创建运动模糊和校正层

final cut pro x 10.2.2 运动模糊 校正层的制作

final cut pro x 和 motion 创建运动模糊和校正层(清晰度请选择:超清)

Motion 5不支持文件标签功能

在motion 5下进行动态图形设计的时候,在finder下做过标记的文件,在motion里无法直观的看到,降低工作效率。希望改进更新。

Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 6.28.11


Tangentwave官方针对Wave Panel调色台发布针对10.9系统的固件更新

从Apple Color调色软件起,我们就在运用这款相对便宜的调色台。在我们大量镜头的调色任务上,起到很高的效率。AppleColor停止开发后,Davinci继续开发到Mac版本,windows版本,以及降价,免费版本的发布。davinci resolve迅速占领大片市场。不过,不用担心,大部分影视公司或者培训班也是在用这款调色台。Wave调色台兼容davinci调色软件。最近苹果系统更新到10.9 Marvericks.可能在运行上有一些Bug,官方及时进行了更新。

wave firmware 1.12



Final Cut Pro X实际应用又添代表性案例

Final Cut Pro X的实际运用又添代表性的案例,继剪辑《狄仁杰之神都龙王》之后,Azteca公司(每年生产大量的接近10000小时电视剧和节目)从final cut pro x的同步性,编辑的快速性(在采集的过程中就可编辑),可立即预览的效果,无需等待渲染,用Motion开发fcpx的模版,滤镜等等获得了很大的帮助。

fcpx in action1

fcpx in action0

看来剪辑师要准备好迎接final cut pro x 10.1的更新了!


Final Cut Pro X和Motion 5免费插件七月发放(二)

THX Plugin developer,industrial revolution,conner productions,sight-creations开发者


下载地址:链接: 密码:put4


下载地址:链接: 密码:q6q9


下载地址:链接: 密码:vvez


下载地址:链接: 密码:oesk


Final Cut Pro X通过Stereo3D Toolbox Version 4编辑3D视频

Stereo3D Toolbox Version 4不止运行在final cut pro x上,同时还兼容Final Cut Pro 6, 7 and X, Motion 3, 4 and 5, After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5 and CS6.

final cut pro制作抽帧效果


Final Cut Studio下的强劲插件FxFactory Pro

经过了fxfactory pro 1版本初期,一直在今日升级到final cut pro 10.0.2下使用fxfactory pro 3,飞跃变化之大。就像fcp7到fcpx的变化。此次更新更是变化之大

What’s New

Version 3.0:

* Yanobox Moods 1.0 is a new color-correction tool which uses on-screen controls to let you explore different looks for your footage. * XEffects Tech 1.0 is a new collection of high-tech transitions available exclusively for Final Cut Pro X. * Nattress Levels and Curves 1.0 is new set of color correction filters which work in film-log space to allow a fine-degree of control and guarantee superb results. * DVShade EasyLooks 2.6 is a new version of the color-grading effect, adding saturation controls for lows, miss and highs and an operational gamma control to allow more natural results with still images. The update is free for existing users of EasyLooks. * SUGARfx Light Pack 3.0 brings significant improvements to the Lens Flare effect and better support for Final Cut Pro X. The update is free for existing users of SUGARfx Light Pack. * FxFactory Pro 3.0 introduces a new transition named “Playback Ready” and is a free update for existing users of FxFactory Pro 2.


• Intel • Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later • ATI, NVIDIA or Intel HD graphics processor*

* The Intel GMA 950 and X3100 graphics processors are not supported. The NVIDIA GeForce 7300, GeForce 7600 and Quadro 4500 graphics processors are only supported by previous versions of FxFactory.

Supported Hosts

• Final Cut Pro versions 6, 7 or 10* • Motion versions 3, 4 and 5 • Final Cut Express version 4 • Adobe After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS5.5

* Some effects and advanced features are not available in Final Cut Pro X due to its limited support for visual effects plug-ins. A graphics card with 512MB of dedicated VRAM (or more) is highly recommended for using our products in Final Cut Pro X.

Motion 5教程-抠像滤镜Keyer功能应用


Motion paint lightline(Motion画笔功能)

在Motion 4里轻易画出光线,只需一笔!如果你有Wacom手绘板,会更自由。请看下面的视频!






当你制作一群粒子后,以一群“粒子物体”出现的时候,比如在旋转“rotation”的y轴,添加rate的行为参数时,这个功能就不起作用了。我们添加行为下的”simulations-orbit around”,进行旋转的特效。