今年苹果提示Final Cut Pro X即将支持Red Camera,多轨音频编辑,mxf支持
3.同样也原生支持主流的RED Camera编辑工作流程,
支持 all HD formats over HD-SDI, along with SD and 2K content.
我们还记得在fcp7使用twixtor时,制作效果超棒的变速工具,现在支持final cut pro x!
ClipExporter 输出 FCPXML file, adds the option of handles and then makes folders with reference movies and data for Nuke or SynthEyes.
- Exports Quicktime reference movies.
- Exports Nuke files. All in-/out-frames and timeline positions match your exported Final Cut Pro X project.
- Export for Syntheyes. A custom (.synInfo) file format is created for import in Syntheyes. Therefore an importer sizzle-script is required, which can be downloaded here.
- Adds handle frames (optionally). Extends each clip length by a given number of frames.
- Creates shot based folders with naming conventions.
- Creates subfolders (optionally).
- Saves disc space by refering to the original source media. No files are copied.
Known issues
- Retimed clips are not supported.
- Effects, translations, animations and every other Final Cut Pro X related modification on a clip will be discarded.
- Video-clips with unsupported or odd fps (frames per second) values could cause inaccurate timming results. We encountered such problems while using unconverted iPhone videos that were shot with the built-in camera app.
- Nuke export only: using compound, multicam or audition clips and not having the clips on the primary storyline will result in odd Nuke timeline positions. This does not affect the in- / out-points and durations.
System Requirements
You need at least Final Cut Pro X v10.0.1 and a Mac running OS X 10.6.8 or above.
在motion 5制作特效或者滤镜还有相应fcpx的插件时,我们不止可以在motion 5为fcpx制作的滤镜进行参数上的调整,还可以在fcpx画布上进行屏幕控制。这种便利性确实很不错,在屏幕上进行实时的控制和调色
用于final cut pro x转码进行编辑
EOS C300 / EOS C300 PL / XF305 / XF300 / XF105 / XF100
HOW to temporarily use Broadcast monitoring work on snow leopard OS X v10.6.8 for FINAL CUT PRO X 10.0.3
thx,macmacmac give me prompt.He had an interesting trick for getting the OS X Lion ‘only’ plugin to work on Snow Leopard
To install the plugin on Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.8 you have to temporarily change your system version number to Lion 10.7.2!
1. Go to HD:/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist
2. Copy the file to the Desktop
3. Open the original with a text editor and change the string value of ‘ProductVersion’ and ‘ProductUserVisibleVersion’ to ‘10.7.2’.
4. Save & Overwrite.
I suddenly thought Apple said that Broadcast monitoring work on Lion OS X v10.7.3.I change system version number at once! Changing 10.6.8 snow leopard system version number to Lion 10.7.2!
ok,no problem. Restart final cut pro x,A/V output has appeared in FINAL CUT PRO X preferences and Window Menu
Enjoy it.
1.DVS CLIPSTER 解决 SD, HD, 2K and 4K各个方案,在这个软件里全部解决,从不延时,实时处理!使用Prores编码!
2.Pablo 4k 进行色彩校正,完成方案,解决SD,HD,2K,4K, Stereroscopic 3D.
由于fcpx xml最新的一次更新,支持更多的final cut pro x的工作流程出现了,当然pro tools强大音频工具也不能错过。final cut pro x to pro tools,不知是声音的音量和声道,当然在fcpx出现的Roles的角色分配功能,也无限制的支持。音频设计师直接就可以在这个基础上,马上开始进行工作。
X2Pro 2月底在app store开始进行销售,尽请关注!