Xto7,一个从final cut pro x可以发送到final cut pro 7的插件工具,给用户提供了fcpx到fcp7工程文件的传输和转换!
- 解决了解析4k或者5k工程的一些bug
- 不同混合格式和画幅尺寸的bug
- 解决了一些丢失的章节标记
- 当一个打开的对话框显示时,意外推出的奔溃bug
• Periodically or manually backs up all your Final Cut Pro X Projects and Events as snapshots. You control how often. You control what drives to back up.
• Consolidates all your Final Cut Pro X data in one place for easy backup and archiving to additional devices.
• It gives you control. You can control how much to backup. You can control what to restore.
• Lets you restore everything from a given snapshot or selected projects, folders, or events.
• Forgot why you made a backup? Add a description to each snapshot describing why you made it. Very handy!
• You can back up just the project and event files themselves or add Media, Shared Items, or FCP X’s own Backup folders as well.
• Backs up and restores saved Motion projects in your Motion Templates folder.同时备份apple motion的工程文件。
• Ignores Render files. These are easily regenerated.
• Lets you move folders, projects or events across drives. You can designate what drive to restore to.
• Backups are incremental. Only changes since the previous backup operation are added to an archive.
• Lets you see a list of all your backup snapshots and how much was backed up. You can delete old snapshots.
• You control backing up Backups for Final Cut Pro’s archives to other media.
• “Safe” snapshots. Only completed snapshots are retained. Available disk space is checked before the backup begins.
• “Safe” restores. If to a local drive, replaced files are placed in the Trash—they are never deleted.
• Continually adding new features.
App Store 下载地址:
我们在使用final cut pro x进行剪辑完成后,要给客户输出mp4格式的视频时,发现fina lcut pro x并没有自带此编码。所以考虑这个情况,专为用户进行一个mp4格式的设置。
Amsterdam_supermeet_2012 这次大会,介绍了avid ,baselight,Smoke 2013,REDONE,Davinci Resolve 9和blackmagic cinema camera,Adobe Premiere cs6,当然还有大家能经常接触到的red giant软件应用,以下视频只提供给内部学员学习!
amsterdam_supermeet_2012_-_davinci resolve 9视频:
Amsterdam Supermeet 2012 – demo AVID and Baselight视频:
Amsterdam Supermeet 2012 – Demo of Smoke 2013 on Vimeo视频:
Amsterdam Supermeet 2012 – Michael Cioni – Evolution or Extinction视频:
amsterdam_supermeet_2012_-premiere cs6视频:
amsterdam_supermeet_2012_-red giant视频:
1.The Final Cut Pro / Contents / Frameworks / Flexo.framework / Versions / A / Resources / en.lproj / FFColorCubeScopeModule.nib file 可能支持3d 立体色彩监测仪 – 象在 Apple Color 中的视波仪一样
2.from Final Cut Pro / Contents / Frameworks / Flexo.framework / Versions / A / Resources / en.lproj / FFLocalizable.strings:
/* Tool names */
“FFSelect” = “Select”;
“FFRangeSelection” = “Range Selection”;
“FFAnchor” = “Connect”;
“FFBlade” = “Blade”;
“FFTrim” = “Trim”;
“FFCrop” = “Crop”;
“FFDistort” = “Distort”;
“FFRetime” = “Retime”;
“FFBlade All” = “Blade All”;
“FFHand” = “Hand”;
“FFZoom” = “Zoom”;
“FFRectangle” = “Rectangle”;
“FFEllipse” = “Ellipse”;
“FFBezier” = “Bezier”;
“FFXSpline” = “B-Spline”;
“FFRectangleMask” = “Rectangular Mask”;
“FFEllipseMask” = “Elliptical Mask”;
“FFBezierMask” = “Bezier Mask”;
“FFXSplineMask” = “B-Spline Mask”;
“FFPivot” = “Connection point”;
“FFPlacement” = “Position”;
“FFTransform” = “Transform”;
“FFTransform2D” = “Transform 2D”;
“FFTransform3D” = “Transform 3D”;
“FFAnimationPath” = “Animation Path”;
“FFMotionPath” = “Motion Path”;
“FFKenBurns” = “Ken Burns”;
“FFText” = “Text”;
“FFNone” = “None”;
“FFTakeSnapshot” = “Take Snapshot”;
3.It seems that the way timelines work in version 10.0 wasn’t always the plan. Here’s a different icon (from Final Cut Pro / Contents / Resources / Sequence.icns) for timelines:
4.Maybe there’ll be a way of viewing audio as numbered channels:
“NumberedAudioChannel” = “NumberedAudioChannel”;
Here is the contents of a file named “MediaAndSubTypes.strings”:
// Media Type
“vide” = “Video”;
“soun” = “Sound”;
“muxx” = “Muxed”;
“text” = “Text”;
“clcp” = “Closed Caption”;
“sbtl” = “Subtitle”;
“tmcd” = “Timecode”;
“tmet” = “Timed Metadata”;
“strm” = “Streaming”;
“twen” = “Tween”;
“sprt” = “Sprite”;
“sdsm” = “MPEG-4 SDSM”;
“odsm” = “MPEG-4 ODSM”;
“skin” = “Skin”;
“qtz ” = “Quartz Composer”;
// QuickTime VR
“qtvr” = “QuickTime VR”;
“pano” = “VR Panorama”;
“obje” = “QTVR Object”;
// Video Codecs
“videavc1″ = “H.264″;
“videjpeg” = “Photo – JPEG”;
“videSVQ1″ = “Sorenson Video”;
“videSVQ3″ = “Sorenson Video 3″;
“videcvid” = “Cinepak”;
“viderpza” = “Video”;
“viderle ” = “Animation”;
“videJvt3″ = “Apple H.264/AVC Video (Preview)”;
“videh263″ = “H.263″;
“vides263″ = “H.263″;
“videh261″ = “H.261″;
“videIV41″ = “Intel Indeo™ Video 4.3″;
“videmp4v” = “MPEG-4 Video”;
“videmjp2″ = “JPEG 2000″;
“videmjpa” = “Motion JPEG A”;
“videmjpb” = “Motion JPEG B”;
“videavr ” = “Motion JPEG AVR”;
“videdmb1″ = “Motion JPEG OpenDML”;
“videgif ” = “GIF”;
“videblur” = “Convolution Filter”;
“vide8BPS” = “Planar RGB”;
“videtrav” = “Traveling Matte”;
“videsmc ” = “Graphics”;
“videpng ” = “PNG”;
“videtint” = “Color Balance Filter”;
“videEIDI” = “EIDI”;
“videIV50″ = “Indeo™ video 5.1″;
“videtiff” = “TIFF”;
“videVP31″ = “On2 VP3 Video 3.2″;
“videzygo” = “ZyGoVideo”;
“videACTL” = “Streambox ACT-L2″;
“videmplo” = “Implode”;
“vide2vuy” = “Component Y’CbCr 8-bit 4:2:2 ordered Cb Y’0 Cr Y’1″;
“videyuvs” = “Component Y’CbCr 8-bit 4:2:2 ordered Y’0 Cb Y’1 Cr”;
“videv308″ = “Component Y’CbCr 8-bit 4:4:4″;
“videv408″ = “Component Y’CbCrA 8-bit 4:4:4:4 ordered Cb Y’ Cr A”;
“vider408″ = “Component Y’CbCrA 8-bit 4:4:4:4 ordered A Y’ Cb Cr”;
“videv216″ = “Component Y’CbCr 10,12,14,16-bit 4:2:2″;
“videv210″ = “Component Y’CbCr 10-bit 4:2:2″;
“videv410″ = “Component Y’CbCr 10-bit 4:4:4″;
“videy420″ = “Three-Plane Component Y’CbCr 8-bit 4:2:0″;
“videa2vy” = “Two-Plane Component Y’CbCr,A 8-bit 4:2:2,4″;
“videap4h” = “Apple ProRes 4444″;
“videapch” = “Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)”;
“videapcn” = “Apple ProRes 422″;
“videapcs” = “Apple ProRes 422 (LT)”;
“videapco” = “Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy)”;
“videbhiv” = “bhiv”;
“videclou” = “Cloud”;
“videfire” = “Fire”;
“videdrmi” = “AVC0 Media”;
“videdslv” = “Cross Fade”;
“videdvc ” = “DV/DVCPRO – NTSC”;
“videdvcp” = “DVC – PAL”;
“videdvpp” = “DVCPRO – PAL”;
“videdv5n” = “DVCPRO50 – NTSC”;
“videdv5p” = “DVCPRO50 – PAL”;
“videdvhp” = “DVCPRO HD (720p60)”;
“videdvhq” = “DVCPRO HD (720p50)”;
“videdvh6″ = “DVCPRO HD (1080i60)”;
“videdvh5″ = “DVCPRO HD (1080i50)”;
“videdvh3″ = “DVCPRO HD (1080p30)”;
“videdvh2″ = “DVCPRO HD (1080p25)”;
“videembs” = “Convolution Filter”;
“videfmns” = “Film Noise Filter”;
“videgenk” = “Convolution Filter”;
“videkpcd” = “Photo CD”;
“vidematt” = “Gradient Wipe”;
“videmp2v” = “MPEG-2 Video”;
“videmp1v” = “MPEG-1 Video”;
“videpush” = “Push”;
“videpxlt” = “Apple Pixlet Video”;
“videicod” = “Apple Intermediate Codec”;
“videshrp” = “Convolution Filter”;
“videslid” = “Push”;
“videsmpt” = “Wipe”;
“videsolr” = “Color Balance Filter”;
“videxplo” = “Implode”;
“vide1″ = “Uncompressed 1-bit Indexed Color”;
“vide2″ = “Uncompressed 2-bit Indexed Color”;
“vide4″ = “Uncompressed 4-bit Indexed Color”;
“vide8″ = “Uncompressed 8-bit Indexed Color”;
“vide33″ = “Uncompressed 1-bit Grayscale”;
“vide34″ = “Uncompressed 2-bit Grayscale”;
“vide36″ = “Uncompressed 4-bit Grayscale”;
“vide40″ = “Uncompressed 8-bit Grayscale”;
“vide32″ = “Uncompressed 32-bit ARGB”;
“vide24″ = “Uncompressed 24-bit RGB”;
“vide16″ = “Uncompressed 16-bit RGB 555 (Big Endian)”;
“vide24BG” = “Uncompressed 24-bit BGR”;
“videBGRA” = “Uncompressed 32-bit BGRA”;
“videABGR” = “Uncompressed 32-bit ABGR”;
“videRGBA” = “Uncompressed 32-bit RGBA”;
“videB565″ = “Uncompressed 16-bit RGB 565 (Big Endian)”;
“videL555″ = “Uncompressed 16-bit RGB 555 (Little Endian)”;
“videL565″ = “Uncompressed 16-bit RGB 565 (Little Endian)”;
“vide5551″ = “Uncompressed 16-bit RGB 5551 (Little Endian)”;
“videb64a” = “Uncompressed 64-bit ARGB”;
“videb48r” = “Uncompressed 48-bit RGB”;
“videb32a” = “Uncompressed 32-bit AlphaGray”;
“videb16g” = “Uncompressed 16-bit Grayscale”;
// Audio Codecs
“sounpaac” = “AAC (protected)”;
“sounvdva” = “DV”;
// Other Codecs
“texttext” = “Text”;
“qtvrqtvr” = “QuickTime VR”;
“tmcdtmcd” = “Timecode”;
“clcpc608″ = “Closed Caption”;
“clcpc708″ = “Closed Caption (708)”;
“texttx3g” = “Text”;
“sbtldrmt” = “Subtitle”;
“sbtltx3g” = “Subtitle”;
“hintrtp ” = “Hint”;
“sdsmmp4s” = “MPEG-4 SDSM”;
“odsmmp4s” = “MPEG-4 ODSM”;
“musimusi” = “Music”;
“skinskcr” = “Skin”;
“skinskdr” = “Skin”;
“strmrtsp” = “Streaming”;
“qtz qtz ” = “Quartz Composer”;
Blackmagic Design 宣布为自己的数字电影摄像机 发布4K 采集产品 和 镜头
UltraStudio 4K features full resolution 4K support, dual stream 3D capture/playback, 10bit hardware architecture, dual link 3 Gb/s SDI, support for up to 1080p60 in SDI, component analog and HDMI connections which support full SD, HD, and 4K.
“UltraStudio 4K is the best way to get high resolution 4K, advanced 3D and 4:4:4 capture and playback, in a professional rack based design that everyone can afford.”
We think this an amazing piece of kit for the price, maybe the only thing lacking is a Thunderbolt pass through which means it will have to be and end of chain device.
UltraStudio 4K Key Features
Dual Link 3G SDI (3 Gb/s SDI) connections, supports SD, HD up to 1080p60, 2K and 4K.
SDI inputs include full SDI re-clocking for capture from poor quality SDI sources.
HDMI in and out, supports SD and HD formats up to 1080p60, frame packing 3D and 4K.
Component analog in and out.
Component analog switches to s-video and composite.
2 channel balanced analog audio in and out. Additional RCA HiFi audio in.
2 channel AES/EBU unbalanced audio in and out.
Timecode in and out on XLR connectors
Genlock/tri-sync input.
Sony™ compatible RS-422 deck control.
Supports uncompressed 810 bit and compressed video capture and playback.
Supports 4K playback using new Dual Link 3 Gb/s SDI connections and HDMI.
Capture/playback of side by side, line by line, top and bottom and frame packing 3D via HDMI.
Capture/playback of side by side, line by line, top and bottom and dual stream 3D via SDI.
Includes hardware up down and cross conversion on playback.
Includes hardware SD and HD keying.
Compatible with Mac OS X computers with Thunderbolt™.
Supports Final Cut Pro X , Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS6, Adobe® Photoshop® CS6, Adobe ® After Effects® CS6 , DaVinci Resolve 9 and more.
Includes free developer SDK.
Includes free DaVinci Resolve Lite and Media Express capture and playback software.