Archives for final cut pro x教程

final cut pro x 多机位拍摄花絮

final cut pro x 10.0.3中新增了多机位剪辑功能,以下视频中很多关于多机位拍摄的最新拍摄技术,值得一看!

更多特效插件支持final cut pro x 10.0.3更新

1.31日很多特效插件随着final cut pro x 10.0.3的更新,放出支持它的插件。比如magic looks调色插件,genarts,等等!

final cut pro x 10.0.3在Keyer or Luma Keyer effect高级设置

final cut pro x 10.0.3除了大方面得更新,当然对一些功能又进行了强化,比如抠像功能!

在10.0.3中的keyer effect功能(白框中为新增功能)

HT5109 01 finalcutprox 10 0 3 keyer 002 en

在10.0.2中的keyer effect功能
HT5109 02 finalcutprox 10 0 2 keyer 002 en

在10.0.3中的Luma Keyer effect(白框中为新增功能)

HT5109 03 finalcutprox 10 0 3 luma keyer 002 en

在10.0.2中的Luma Keyer effect
HT5109 04 finalcutprox 10 0 2 luma keyer 001 en

AJA 采集卡支持最新 final cut pro x 10.0.3广播级监看功能更新

AJA对final cut pro x 10.0.3采集设置已经完成,blackmagic和matrox仍在测试更新中!









final cut pro x 10.0.3重大更新(free update)

3.高级chroma keying扣像
5.xml的更新到xml 1.1,一级调色竟然支持davinci

final cut pro制作抽帧效果


final cut pro中制作垂直滚屏字幕Scrolling Text(拓展)

大家都知道在final cut pro中添加scrolling text,发现我们在英文状态下,比如演员表名单中,添加batman*Darren Fan.中间的星号代表空格。但如果我们改为汉字的时候,final cut pro 就提示了超出脚本的编译范围。但如果我们重新修改scrolling text的脚本语言程序,让它接收汉字,例如:齐天大圣*六小灵童。中间就可以出现空格了,而且空格范围也可调!


 scrolling text

Final Cut Studio下的强劲插件FxFactory Pro

经过了fxfactory pro 1版本初期,一直在今日升级到final cut pro 10.0.2下使用fxfactory pro 3,飞跃变化之大。就像fcp7到fcpx的变化。此次更新更是变化之大

What’s New

Version 3.0:

* Yanobox Moods 1.0 is a new color-correction tool which uses on-screen controls to let you explore different looks for your footage. * XEffects Tech 1.0 is a new collection of high-tech transitions available exclusively for Final Cut Pro X. * Nattress Levels and Curves 1.0 is new set of color correction filters which work in film-log space to allow a fine-degree of control and guarantee superb results. * DVShade EasyLooks 2.6 is a new version of the color-grading effect, adding saturation controls for lows, miss and highs and an operational gamma control to allow more natural results with still images. The update is free for existing users of EasyLooks. * SUGARfx Light Pack 3.0 brings significant improvements to the Lens Flare effect and better support for Final Cut Pro X. The update is free for existing users of SUGARfx Light Pack. * FxFactory Pro 3.0 introduces a new transition named “Playback Ready” and is a free update for existing users of FxFactory Pro 2.


• Intel • Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later • ATI, NVIDIA or Intel HD graphics processor*

* The Intel GMA 950 and X3100 graphics processors are not supported. The NVIDIA GeForce 7300, GeForce 7600 and Quadro 4500 graphics processors are only supported by previous versions of FxFactory.

Supported Hosts

• Final Cut Pro versions 6, 7 or 10* • Motion versions 3, 4 and 5 • Final Cut Express version 4 • Adobe After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS5.5

* Some effects and advanced features are not available in Final Cut Pro X due to its limited support for visual effects plug-ins. A graphics card with 512MB of dedicated VRAM (or more) is highly recommended for using our products in Final Cut Pro X.

Motion 5 add Restore from Autosave new function

以前曾经在final cut pro 里面存在的自动保存功能,因为fcpx已经拥有自动保存得功能,所以现在在motion 5里出现了!自动保存到Documents-Motion Documents-Autosave Vault!

Motion 5 add Freehand Mask new function

Motion 5增加手画遮照得功能,这样我们在利用遮照进行创作时,可以进行自由快速得手绘遮照。提供非常好得便利!

Freehand mask

Motion 5课程制作完成


final cut pro x小功能提示


final cut pro x融合了soundtrack pro的精准音频剪辑功能

final cut pro x融合了soundtrack pro的精准音频剪辑功能,我们在fcpx里可以精确到子帧的精确剪辑,对声音部分进行精确修剪,这在final cut pro 7里是无法办到的!


Good editing makes the film look well-directed.

Great editing makes the film look like it wasn’t directed at all.

Victor Fleming


Final Cut 2 After Effects 制作流程


The Popcorn Island Final Cut 2 After Effects Script is a simple way to move sequences in Final Cut into Compositions in After Effects. Not only does it allow you to work faster, it also saves storage space. The normal work flow of rendering out from Final Cut and opening in After Effects causes one to create temporary files to pass back and forth between the programs. The Final Cut 2 After Effects script will allow you to bypass that and simply use the footage that has already been imported into Final Cut.

NEWS: Gerard over at has put up a tutorial on using this script to move over project to windows! check it out


Features 1.1.2

  • Auto-Truncate Long Filenames
  • Marker Import
  • Cross Dissolve Transitions (v1.05)
  • Basic Editing Translation
  • Segmented Clips
  • Basic Keyframes
  • Time Remapping
  • Nested Sequences
  • Multiple Frame Rates and Aspect Ratios
  • Audio Channels
  • Name Length Error Checking
  • Support for PAL25 and 60