我们还记得在fcp7使用twixtor时,制作效果超棒的变速工具,现在支持final cut pro x!
ClipExporter 输出 FCPXML file, adds the option of handles and then makes folders with reference movies and data for Nuke or SynthEyes.
- Exports Quicktime reference movies.
- Exports Nuke files. All in-/out-frames and timeline positions match your exported Final Cut Pro X project.
- Export for Syntheyes. A custom (.synInfo) file format is created for import in Syntheyes. Therefore an importer sizzle-script is required, which can be downloaded here.
- Adds handle frames (optionally). Extends each clip length by a given number of frames.
- Creates shot based folders with naming conventions.
- Creates subfolders (optionally).
- Saves disc space by refering to the original source media. No files are copied.
Known issues
- Retimed clips are not supported.
- Effects, translations, animations and every other Final Cut Pro X related modification on a clip will be discarded.
- Video-clips with unsupported or odd fps (frames per second) values could cause inaccurate timming results. We encountered such problems while using unconverted iPhone videos that were shot with the built-in camera app.
- Nuke export only: using compound, multicam or audition clips and not having the clips on the primary storyline will result in odd Nuke timeline positions. This does not affect the in- / out-points and durations.
System Requirements
You need at least Final Cut Pro X v10.0.1 and a Mac running OS X 10.6.8 or above.
final cut pro x transition的制作过程可以通过,给A添加image mask和复制器里的transitional进行制作!
control+t:添加basic title,默认字体
如果在选择basic title状态下,再按control+shift+t呢?
学生让我录制MPEG Streamclip 转码指导,理清转码的注意事项和一些指导,希望能帮助你,当然有更多的转码软件可以很好的利用,如果我们理解视频编码,但大部分都大同小异!
4.拖行为动作到match move上,匹配
在motion 5制作特效或者滤镜还有相应fcpx的插件时,我们不止可以在motion 5为fcpx制作的滤镜进行参数上的调整,还可以在fcpx画布上进行屏幕控制。这种便利性确实很不错,在屏幕上进行实时的控制和调色
1.在抠像合成绿屏工作中,primary storyline为抠像后的视频。2.复制绿屏素材,进行制作trim关键帧动画,进行有效的动态跟踪!保护裁剪范围内的绿色