Final Cut Pro X xml to nuke的工作流程

这是国外NUKEMEDIA网站,作者Thomas Szabo编写的一个脚本,用于fcpxml直接到nuke的工作流程,我们以前fcp7的用户,总知道,在发送功能里有一个”发送到shake”的功能?



  • No files are copied. The Read Nodes point to the same files as in FCP X.
  • All in-/out-frames, sequence frame positions, clip durations stay intact
  • Handle frames can be added to extend the frame range.
  • Only video-files. No audio.
  • Different FPS and dimensions were recognized.
  • Cropping, Animations, Translations, Color Corrections, Effects and every other Final Cut related modification on a clip will be discarded!
  • The generated Nuke-files are named after their FCP X name with a following “_v01”
  • and more… see update notes below


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