Motion 5

Apple Motion-Behaviors-Analyze Motion 多点跟踪预览功能

Apple Motion跟踪点预览功能,帮助你进行位置的选择!

(click to see large)
tracker preview

FCPX Send To Motion软件工具

由国外作者Alex King开发的软件,使用fcpxml语言作为交互,方便我们从fcpx发送某一片段到motion 5里进行包装,修改!

fcpx to motion 5

use ways

Widescreen宽屏幕final cut pro x插件


final cut pro x 10.0.3重大更新(free update)

3.高级chroma keying扣像
5.xml的更新到xml 1.1,一级调色竟然支持davinci

Final Cut Studio下的强劲插件FxFactory Pro

经过了fxfactory pro 1版本初期,一直在今日升级到final cut pro 10.0.2下使用fxfactory pro 3,飞跃变化之大。就像fcp7到fcpx的变化。此次更新更是变化之大

What’s New

Version 3.0:

* Yanobox Moods 1.0 is a new color-correction tool which uses on-screen controls to let you explore different looks for your footage. * XEffects Tech 1.0 is a new collection of high-tech transitions available exclusively for Final Cut Pro X. * Nattress Levels and Curves 1.0 is new set of color correction filters which work in film-log space to allow a fine-degree of control and guarantee superb results. * DVShade EasyLooks 2.6 is a new version of the color-grading effect, adding saturation controls for lows, miss and highs and an operational gamma control to allow more natural results with still images. The update is free for existing users of EasyLooks. * SUGARfx Light Pack 3.0 brings significant improvements to the Lens Flare effect and better support for Final Cut Pro X. The update is free for existing users of SUGARfx Light Pack. * FxFactory Pro 3.0 introduces a new transition named “Playback Ready” and is a free update for existing users of FxFactory Pro 2.


• Intel • Mac OS X 10.6.3 or later • ATI, NVIDIA or Intel HD graphics processor*

* The Intel GMA 950 and X3100 graphics processors are not supported. The NVIDIA GeForce 7300, GeForce 7600 and Quadro 4500 graphics processors are only supported by previous versions of FxFactory.

Supported Hosts

• Final Cut Pro versions 6, 7 or 10* • Motion versions 3, 4 and 5 • Final Cut Express version 4 • Adobe After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5 and CS5.5

* Some effects and advanced features are not available in Final Cut Pro X due to its limited support for visual effects plug-ins. A graphics card with 512MB of dedicated VRAM (or more) is highly recommended for using our products in Final Cut Pro X.

Motion 5 add Restore from Autosave new function

以前曾经在final cut pro 里面存在的自动保存功能,因为fcpx已经拥有自动保存得功能,所以现在在motion 5里出现了!自动保存到Documents-Motion Documents-Autosave Vault!

Motion 5 add Freehand Mask new function

Motion 5增加手画遮照得功能,这样我们在利用遮照进行创作时,可以进行自由快速得手绘遮照。提供非常好得便利!

Freehand mask

Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4最合理的安装方案


final cut pro x 10.0.1,Motion,Compressor更新了

一.Final Cut Pro X 10.0.1更新内容

1.最重要的是增加了xml的功能。Blackmagic Design’s DaVinci Resolve, Square Box System’s CatDV, and many other third-party applications will offer XML-based workflows with Final Cut Pro X.



4.在connetcted clip上添加转场



7.支持Camera Import SDK



Apple also issued an update for Compressor on Tuesday, addressing the following:

  • Updates the bitrates in Cellular settings for HTTP Live Streaming.
  • Fixes an issue with accessing QuickTime Export Component settings in Final Cut Pro X.
  • Fixes an issue in which This Computer cluster does not appear when system is configured in Chinese.
  • Resolves stability issues when launching Soundtrack Pro after Compressor 4 is installed.



第一次见到PHNTM拍摄的素材慢放,如此强悍,真的很棒,分辨率和压缩编码压缩成apple prores还如此清晰!

Motion 5的“标记”marker功能性增加


Motion 5调用Motion 4的模板

6107843593 5fca474298
3.Motion 4打开Motion 5的工程文件可不是那么简单的修改版本!

这样就可以在final cut pro x查看和直接修改motion的内容!

Motion 5无法预览PICT的文件[转载]

因为PICT的图片是32bit的格式,在fcpx和motion5 64bit的软件无法打开进行预览!所以我们要启动Preview软件下启动”Open in 32-bit mode”打开。然后转化为png格式为最佳选择。
preview 32bit

感谢:Mark Spencer

final cut pro x to Motion 5 workflow tutorials

final cut pro x和Motion 5的工作流程,请看视频教程!



Motion 5教程-抠像滤镜Keyer功能应用
